My how-to guides that allow you to take the stress and confusion out of marketing your small business on social media.


You are overwhelmed, overworked, and working harder and harder with less results. You are ready to get serious about unlocking the power of digital marketing for your small business and you’re ready for an expert to show you exactly how to get there!

Being a small business owner is hard enough but now you need to be a full-time marketing strategist and content creator. Business owners everywhere are seeing a slow down in sales and deciding if they need to course correct or give up all together. The businesses that succeed are the ones thinking outside the box and looking at creative strategies to get seen and make sales. One of the best and most cost effective ways to do this is through social media marketing.

What if an expert marketer with over 13 years of experience working for national brands on award-winning campaigns, handed you a bundle of guides that walked you through how to effectively set up, create content, and manage your social media like a pro? The best part? You got these guides at the perfect time to set you up for success before the holiday rush.

  • How to set up your social accounts THE RIGHT WAY

  • How to craft a compelling bio that grabs attention and is searchable

  • Which tools and apps to use to create posts, graphics, carousels and videos

  • A complete guides to making reels including video tutorials

  • How to analyze your insights so you actually know what is performing well and what to do next

  • How to find which hashtags to use, and how to use them!

  • A comprehensive list of the tools and apps professional social media managers use everyday to level-up their content

  • An AI and ChatGPT guide to help you crank out content in NO TIME

  • How to efficiently engage with other pages to start building relationships, how to craft compelling captions to grab their attention and how to convert those eyes to customers in your DM’s!

  • A COMPLETE holiday guide with over 30 pages of invaluable information on how to run the perfect holiday campaign. Incluidng holiday and seasonal hashtags, content topics with blog, email, and social posts, ChatGPT prompts, ideas of sales and promotions to run to stand out in the crowd, and a FULL 8-week plan of what to post over the holidays to eliminate the overwhelm of the holiday sales season.


Let’s DO THIS.

I’m talking…

Enter: back to school social sale bundle

A complete series of guides on how to set up, create and manage your social media to work for your small business. This is your step-by-step roadmap to eliminate the guesswork and overwhelm, just in time for your best Q4 yet.



Imagine a future where your social media is not just an afterthought, but a powerful engine driving your business growth.

Where you actually have FUN posting because you know what to do and you are seeing results.

Where you have an engaged audience of potential customers to pitch your next service or product.

Where you have a tool to find new leads and attract new customers, while standing out in a crowded marketplace—so you have more time focus on what you do best: running your business.

Where you have your best Q4 yet because you decided to get our of your own way and finally take digital marketing seriously. And IT’S WORKING!


This is a step-by-step series of guides that allow you to effectively set up, create converting content and understand your analytics to run your social media like a pro.

  • Getting started: How to craft your bios and determine what to post. Your overall best practices for social media for small businesses. 

  • Engagement guide and best practices: Making engaging on social media efficient and effective to increase your insights.

  • Content creation guide: Tips and tricks to more easily create, repurpose, share and post content

  • Reels best practices guide: Tips and tricks on finding the best audio, creating easy reels and sharing video content across multiple platforms

  • Caption writing guide: How to write captions that speak to your audience and convert your followers

  • Hashtag research and usage guide: How to find, use and manage hashtags on social media

  • Idea generator guide: Tips, tricks and resources to have an endless supply of content ideas

  • Competitor research guide: How to find and leverage your competitors to your advantage

  • AI and ChatGPT guide: leveraging AI tools in your marketing

  • DM guide: How to best convert comments to messages to customers

  • Resources guides: a social media managers best tools, apps and resources when managing social media

  • TikTok guide: Your TikTok kickstarter guide with tips and tricks on how to create content specific to TikTok

  • Holiday Marketing Guide: Your guide to mastering the holidays with a complete plan for October, November and December content for emails, blogs and social media. SEE MORE ON THIS BELOW!

THIS many guides has to come with a hefty price tag? Right?


As a small business owner I know what it means to start out with a smaller budget. Thee guides are to help you MAKE money not have you spend it. The bundle is valued at over $500 with hundreds of pages of content and resources.

The bundle is priced at $297 and will be on sale for back to school season for $100 OFF!

The sale ends September 20th so don’t miss out on this HUGE back to school sale!


Included in the bundle is my signature Holiday Marketing Guide, normally $47 on it’s own! This guide is a small business owner’s dream. It has everything you need to do between now and December 31st for smooth sailing this busy season. This easy-to-follow guide has:

  • A checklist of everything you need to get started in your holiday marketing, all in one place.

  • A guide to help you determine your audience, goals, offer, and transformation to nail your holiday messaging.

  • Every key date, national day, holiday, and major sale date you should know for November and December

  • A content calendar for November and December with weekly social post topics, blog post topics, and email topics.

  • Hundred of holiday and seasonal hashtags categorized by type and size.

  • Simple steps to make sure your content stands out during this unprecedented and highly saturated market.

  • A list of resources and tools as used by an expert marketer and social media strategist to help you in all of your holiday marketing efforts.

  • ChatGPT prompts to give you the leg-up you need to craft easy and compelling content all season long.



  • Well your competitors sure do! You don’t have time because you don’t know how to create quality, compelling content with ease. These guides not only tell you what to create and how to create it, but gives you complete ChatGPT prompts a full guide with resources to work smarter and not harder. Maybe you are already creating content. Is it working? Is it time consuming? Spend LESS time creating content that ACTUALLY WORKS.

  • Even if you don’t sell online, statistics show that customers check businesses social media before making a purchase, even in person. You are leaving dollars on the table if you don’t have an online presence. People want to see you are legitimate, have reviews, showcase your products and services and get to know and trust you before investing their time and money with you. And they do it online, first!

  • You can spend as much or as little time as you have! All of these guides are lifetime access so you can go at your own pace. Every guide is separated into specific topics so you can jump to the guide you need in the moment and go back to the others later. Every guide also has a table of contents so you can quickly find what you need! As a small business owner myself, I know how hard it is to juggle all.the.things. That is why I created this bundle to make it as easy as possible to follow and execute. I have also included my AI and ChatGPT guide to use to create a content base, hundreds of hashtags to use when creating captions and a full page of resources to work smarter, not harder.

  • The guides have HUNDREDS of pages of content and resources. The guides together value over $500. The bundle price is $297 with a $100 sale going on August 20th - September 20th.

“WOW! This guide is going to save me so much brain power and time. This is an amazing tool for all my content chaos. It gives very detailed instructions on how to use. This will be worth gold to small businesses who may not be able to delegate social media content to a social media manager!”

“Jackie unraveled the mystery and provided a roadmap to harness the power of these tools. This guide helped me stop overthinking and quickly generate content.”

“After 4 years in business, social media still caused me so much stress. I felt like social media and content strategy were puzzles that I couldn't solve because I didn't have all the pieces. Turns out I was right, and Jack & Gem was the missing piece I needed to be successful.”

An expert marketer turned small business owner

with OVER 10 years of experience in social media, marketing and advertising,

I know what works and what doesn’t.

I am an ex-ad agency ladder climber that has worked for some of the largest brands. From global health care giants to local solopreneurs, I LOVE helping businesses utilize the power of digital marketing to see their business soar.

I have combined my degree in Public Relations and Advertising with my over 10+ years in professional marketing, advertising, social media, content, and strategy experience to help clients all over the US achieve more with less. No multi-million dollar budgets. No fancy commercials. I use efficient strategies to help you see success using realistic budgets and strategies.

I create comprehensive, easy to execute guides to help small business owners feel empowered to tackle their marketing following my expert guidance.

Want to work with me 1:1? I provide social media management, social media strategy, website design, copywriting, social media advertising, marketing strategies and more.